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Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyzes and predicts the behavior of one or more fluids and their interactions in three dimensions and can be applied to simple or complex systems. Considering the requirements and prospects of the project, Hytech applies CFD analysis in different engineering stages, carrying out this activity during the life of the project so solutions reached using CFD can be introduced to the engineering being developed.

We have process and mechanical engineers who specialized in using and applying CF



Examples of CFD applications we have implemented in our engineering projects

Design, verification and optimization

  • Equipment with multiple transport phenomena (momentum, mass, and heat transfer) such as three-phase heater treaters, heat exchangers, and distillation tower distributors and trays

  • Internals for different process equipment, including inlet distributors, outlet collectors, perforated plates, and parallel plates

  • Distribution systems to ensure adequate flow division

  • Two- and three-phase separators, carefully assessing flow dynamics behavior within and the effect of inlet and outlet devices and associated piping (real residence time, velocity profile, pressure profile, etc.)


  • Separation performance analysis in any process piece of equipment; up to four different phases can be assessed: gas, light liquid, heavy liquid, and solids. Particles cut-off diameters and size distribution definition (PSD)

  • Assessment of the best place in process lines for on-line mixing to achieve a high level of homogeneity in composition and temperature

  • Assessment of flow regimes in multiphase lines and pressure drop calculation (e.g. ducts and pipelines and transfer lines)

Application examples



The design of a typical skimmer tank design involves an inlet distributor, and outlet distributor, and longitudinal baffles.

The use of these tanks in seismic zones requires extra supports that significantly increase costs, render construction more difficult, and extend construction times.

To avoid these issues, Hytech has developed several solutions


A new skimmer tank designed without longitudinal baffles by improving inlet distributors so oil/water and water/solids separation efficiency does not decrease

CFD Modelling

3D geometry developed to carefully represent the bottom part of a tank containing only water. The resulting mesh contained 1.4 MM elements. Euler-Lagrange approach used (DPM model). Turbulence k-ε Model-ε 


Complete use of the tank was observed through analyses of residence time and velocity profiles. A separation performance similar to the original configuration, but more complex from a constructive point of view, was estimated


Using CFD analysis, we sought to show proof of the capacity perforated plates have in a heater treater to align water flow

lines below the fire tubes. In addition, we considered the possibility of optimizing the distance between plates

Calculation of velocity profile and flow lines for a reduced section of the parallel plates’ device. Assessment of the effect of distance between plates and optimization of this value

3D geometry developed in a section of the parallel plate’s device. The resulting mesh contained 1.1 MM elements. Turbulence k-ε model

The expected fluid dynamics behavior was confirmed. The optimum distance between plates was found after several trials

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